We are a friendly outgoing group of Humanists covering North East Hampshire and West Surrey centred on Farnham and Alton. Humanism is a positive life stance centred on people. We are atheists and agnostics who share a non-religious ethical outlook and seek to create a more open, just and caring society. Find out more.
Do come and try us out. Everyone is welcome! Contact us.
Farnham Humanists is 20 years years old this year. A founder member, David Savage, talks to Belinda Schwehr about the groups origins and achievements over the past two decades.
Where and when do we meet? See “Other activities” for how else we get together. See Map Interested in OTHER related local events or humanist events elsewhere? Other activities Summary of events coming up below:
We believe we can work out for ourselves what’s right and wrong based on empathy, respect and compassion for others. We can find our own meaning and fulfilment for the one life we know we have. We look to evidence and science as the best way to understand the world. Find out more.
We have a regular talk or discussion meeting with an invited speaker meeting once a month, usually on a mid-month Sunday. These start at 7.15pm for 7:30pm at the Hop Blossom Pub, Long Garden Walk, Farnham GU9 7HX. Occasionally we meet instead at the Daniel Hall, across the road from the pub.
e.g. Reading Humanists or Basingstoke Humanists
We meet to exchange ideas and socialise with like-minded people. We promote evidence based rational thinking and provide an important balance in society by representing non-religious views. We volunteer in the community and in charitable work. Find out more from our Community pages.
Our Book Club is thriving and social events include an annual dinner, pub walks, theatre trips, a winter festive evening and a summer garden party. For many years we have hosted an annual public debate or public discussion raising money for charity. Find out more.