Annual Public debate, talk or panel discussion
Farnham Humanists hold an annual public debate, talk or discussion in November on topics of ethical, moral and current interest.
With the help of eminent speakers we have debated motions ranging from “We support a wholly elected House of Lords” and the year before “Morality without religion has no firm foundation” to motions relating to Nuclear Power, Electoral Reform, Secular Statehood, Assisted Dying, state funded faith schools and whether there can be a just war. We’ve also held a non-political panel discussion on what is happening to the NHS.
We have also used the opportunity to raise over £3000 for local and developing world charities.
More details are given under Annual Public Debates, Talks and Panel Discussions
Evidence based talks and discussions
Our regular monthly meetings generally involve an outside speaker talking about a subject on which they are expert. Subjects have included topics such as Climate change, Sharia Law, Multiple Universes, Conscientious Objection, Morality, Do we have free will and merits of Representative Democracy. Our meetings are open to all and everyone is welcome.
Engaging with local equality groups and faith forums
We are concerned about a lack of representation at local level for non-religious people which means that, unlike religious people who can be consulted through recognised methods of communication, non-religious people’s needs and views can be excluded from decision making bodies. As part of Farnham Humanists’ aims to engage with our local community, end discrimination of religion and belief and promote equality by reducing religious privilege, we have joined a number of groups. These include the Surrey County Council Equality Group, Waverley Borough Council’s Faith Forum and the Surrey SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education).
As well as Supporting Democracy and Equality and volunteering as individuals for a number of organisations, our members give time to the following:
- Volunteer Non-Religious Pastoral Care
- Volunteering in Schools and Colleges
- Educational course, debates and talks
- Volunteer support for RE in Surrey
- Remembrance Day
- Ceremonies