FH Cycle 2020

Sunday 13 September 10.30am

Our 2020 pub cycle

Organizer: Sue Shaw,  sue@farnham.humanist.org.uk
Meet at 10:30am outside entrance to Farnham Maltings

Route, likely to be Cut Mill, Shackleford, for early lunch, covid-19 rules, permitting at the Good Intent, Puttenham (good reviews now), or Manor Farm Seale

Social Distancing should be observed while cycling and at the pub.

If you plan to attend please email the organizer Sue  sue@farnham.humanist.org.uk
We may have to restrict numbers so email early if possible.  Make sure you have a face mask, and keep socially distanced from all who are not part of your family/bubble

The organizer will email attendees the day before, in case regulations or other cause changes the plan.

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