Farnham Humanists is a flourishing group of Humanists, and people with similar views and beliefs, who enjoy sharing ideas, being stimulated by talks from invited speakers, contributing to the community and socialising.
- Details of where and when we meet and our events can be found here.
- Learn more about “Who are Humanists?” here.
For the current Farnham Humanists Committee click here
- As well as our members volunteering as individuals for a number of organisations, many of our group give time to the following:
- Community work: visiting, but only on request, those in need of a listening ear or someone to talk about life generally, possibly in hospitals, hospices and prisons. For more about non-religious pastoral care locally click here and the Non-Religious Pastoral Support Network nationally click here.
- Education: we receive invitations from schools in Surrey and Hampshire to partake in assemblies, multi-faith days, religious education and debates, where we can offer a secular view as a balance to religion within the Agreed Syllabus. We also represent the non-religious and Humanism of the Surrey SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education). This public body is responsible for Surrey’s locally agreed RE Syllabus and Guidance on Collective Worship. See here for more
- Ceremonies: Many people know of the very personal and dignified non-religious funerals that humanists have conducted for many decades.
Less well-known are our ceremonies to celebrate a marriage, civil partnership or to welcome a new baby into the world.
These memorable occasions are led by individual members of the group who have been trained, accredited and monitored as celebrants by the Humanists UK. Find out more.
We are a Partner group of Humanists UK and are affiliated to the National Secular Society. We invite a speaker from one of these organisations to come and talk to us once a year. Our group was founded in 2004 by Alec and Val Leggatt.