Sunday July 16th, 7.15pm for 7:30pm
Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX.
Speaker : Richard Thomas
Richard Thomas has been a key player working with the UK Government’s Department of International Development for over 30 years and gaining much ‘field’ expertise in Africa and elsewhere.
He will lead a seminar with Farnham Humanists discussing the “Aid Business”, what has and has not worked and questions such as what should be the future priorities for aid delivery? and where does debt, climate mitigation, refugees/migrants etc fit in to these?
Do come and join in the discussions.
All are welcome!!
Donation of £2 to help hire costs and free tea/coffee welcome drink.
Drinks available also from the Hop Blossom Pub, close by.
Map of location below – Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX
also known as “3rd Farnham Scouts / Dynamic Performing Arts, Daniel Hall, 1 Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX “