How can we best harness trees to make the planet a better place to live?

Sunday 13th October  7.15 for 7.30pm

Hop Blossom Pub, Long Garden Walk, Farnham GU9 7HX

A talk given by Dr Gary Kerr FICFor, CF Research Fellow,
Forest Research Editor, Quarterly Journal of Forestry

Trees and forests are wonderful things – we all know that!
They can lock up carbon; quite a useful feature in a climate emergency.
They are fantastic repositories of biodiversity; another useful feature that could help solve the nature crisis.
They are generally green and provide places for recreation, exercise and improvement of well-being; another useful attribute!

Dr Gary Kerr’s talk will explore the relationship we have with trees and forests and how we can best harness them to produce economic, environmental and social outcomes that make the planet a better place to live.

Non-members £3. Members free. Drinks are available at the Pub

Gary graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Forestry. He was employed by the Forestry Commission and worked as a forest manager in the Forest of Dean. In 1988 Gary moved to Forest Research at Alice Holt to become Head of Mensuration Branch.  In 1990 he changed roles to become a silviculturist. In 2002 Gary was awarded his PhD from the University of Wales: his Thesis was ‘Factors affecting the growth and form of Fraxinus excelsior L.’. Between  2003 and 2022 Gary was the  Editor-in-Chief of Forestry: An international journal of forest research and during this time he was also  Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 1.05.00 on Uneven-aged silviculture. At present, Gary is the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest Institute.

For more information about Dr Kerr see